Your AI can do anything from A to XYZ

Teach it about yourself and your lifestyle. Eventually your AI will proactively support you, and give better answers and more personalized help than anything out there.

What your AI can do for you:

Give ideas and suggestions

“I found some easy recipes for you this week. Here is a grocery list for all the ingredients.”

“Your mom’s birthday is Tuesday. I picked out gift options for her if you want to see?”

“Zara’s sale starts today! Here are a few items that would look great on you.”

Remind and follow up

“I wrote this follow up email from your interview today, do you like it?”

“Good morning, here is your to-do list for today. Let me know if you need help finishing that deck.”

“I noticed you haven’t worked out this week, here is a good class when you’re available tomorrow, should I book it?”

Advise and motivate

“Ugh I saw that email from your co-worker, that sucks, want to talk about it? And brainstorm responses?”

“Are you nervous for tomorrow’s interview? Let’s practice some interview questions.”

“How are you feeling today? Here is a 10 minute mindfulness meditation to help you focus.”

Explore how you can simplify your life with AI